2018-07-23 - Makey Makey


~3.8 mi @ 13.9 min/mi

"Everything's a hill today!" says K-Rex, as the Dawn Patrol slows to a walk upslope.

"Or nothing's a hill!" replies K2, optimistically. Humidity hits like a brick to the face as, iced coffee in hand, we step out of Starbucks, its windows translucent-gray with condensation. Heavy rains pause long enough for us to ramble along the under-construction Dead Run. K-Rex tells of her kids' experiments with "Makey Makey" electronic systems to turn bananas and fist-bumps into computer interfaces. We shake our heads at reports of Aspen Colorado prices. A soggy bunny hops across the street.

(K2 and K-Rex run an extra mile before traffic-delayed Roadkill arrives)

(trackfile) - ^z - 2018-08-13